Oxfordshire Garden Village proposed at Eynsham

KMA engagement at Eynsham

In May 2021 Grosvenor submitted an outline application to West Oxfordshire Council for the garden village of Salt Cross on land to the north of Eynsham. The proposal is for 2,200 homes with infrastructure and services delivered alongside an ambitious landscape-led framework.

KMA have been involved in the community and stakeholder involvement of the plan-making process for over two years, working with the community, stakeholder bodies and members of Grosvenor’s planning and design team.

We have undertaken study visits to comparator places, held community briefing workshops, run a major design charrette, hosted exhibitions at key stages, and presented the material online

All of this is captured in the Statement of Community Involvement (SCI), which forms part of the application documents. A useful video summary of diverse views, made at the charrette stage, is provided here https://oxongv.co.uk/community-involvement/.


Early engagement on Begbroke Innovation District


KMA welcomes Emma Churchyard to the team