KMA Directors support the Galway Charter process
The lead signatories from the Council, Chamber and Universities
KMA’s Directors were involved in the recent historic signing of the Greater Galway Charter for Sustainable Urbanism. Jas Atwal was a signatory as Chair of the Academy of Urbanism, a co-sponsor alongsdie the RIAI, while Kevin Murray was the lead drafter of the Charter, having facilitated the local workshops using place momentum techniques.
The Charter, which has four core principles and twelve key propositions, draws on the discussions in Galway, and also inspiration from Professor Wulf Daseking, who contributed lessons from Freiburg.
The Charter looks to set a visionary direction for the city over the next 50 years, and has been co-ordinated by the Greater Galway Forum and initially endorsed by the Council, Chamber of Commerce and both Universities. Several other organisations and many individuals have been involved, and will be further engaged as the document is discussed at various event of the next year.
Jas said, ‘it was a privilege for Kevin and I to be involved in this ambitious, forward looking process in Galway, and a lovely link to the memorable Freiburg Charter events and drafting of 2010, which we had undertaken with John Thompson and Wulf Daseking.’
The AoU and RIAI signatories, with the Steering Group